safety doesn't happen by accident.

Helping Tasmanian business turn work health and safety compliance into strategic advantage

Running a business is tough enough. Safety Made Simple helps you cut through red tape of work health and safety regulations, making compliance straightforward. We understand the challenges Tasmanian businesses face, so you can focus on what truly matters: your success and the safety of your team.

Our Services

Safety Consultant
Safety Consultant

About Us

We're Safety Made Simple, a passionate local business based in Launceston. We understand the unique challenges Tasmanian workplaces face, and we're dedicated to helping our community thrive.

Our difference? We go beyond compliance. Our extensive work health and safety (WHS), and business, experience allows us to craft solutions that work for you, making sure your WHS efforts add value in your business. We translate complex regulations into clear plans, keeping you compliant and avoiding penalties.

But safety isn't just about following rules. We build systems, and provide leadership advice to foster a culture of safety and wellbeing, because happy, healthy employees are productive employees. We help you build wellbeing into the way you do business, leading to a more engaged and motivated workforce.

Strategic WHS thinking leads to strategic business thinking. We believe strategic WHS thinking is the foundation for strategic business success. It goes beyond compliance, acting as a springboard to elevate strategic, system based thinking and capability across your entire team. By building WHS into your wider business strategy, we foster a culture of leadership, ownership, engagement, and action which translates to a happier, safer and more productive workforce.

Let's partner for success! We can help you build, improve, or maintain a safe, productive, and high achieving team.

Who is Courtney?

Founder of Safety Made Simple, with 16 years of WHS experience across diverse industries, Courtney has developed a cross-functional approach that benefits all areas of your business. Her combined expertise in business, HR, marketing, WHS, project management, change management and auditing ensures her solutions deliver value beyond mere compliance.

Ready to thrive? Contact Safety Made Simple today!


Courtney Newman

Principal Consultant

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